What Do You Know About the H1 F1 Hybrid?

The Centroamericano or H1 hybrid is grown on Don Gonzalo Castillo’s farm Las Promesas de San Blas in La Tablazón, Dipilto located within the mountainous department of Nueva Segovia, Nicaragua. La Tablazón has its own special microclimate which gives birth to some of the best quality coffee in the world.

The H1 F1 hybrid or Centroamericano is a compact plant with large coffee beans. It is well adapted to agroforestry, has very high yielding potential and the cup quality is very good. The plant is a cross between the rust-resistant T5296(Sarchimor) and the Ethiopian landrace Rume Sudan. This variety should only be reproduced through clonal propagation and purchased from a trusted nursery because segregation occurs when breeding naturally. Segregation means that the child plant will not have the same characteristics as the parent which can lead to potential losses of yield, disease resistance and quality.

This new hybrid is giving hope to many producers affected by the coffee leaf rust disease because of its disease resistant capability, high yielding potential and excellent cup quality. F1 hybrids are absolutely essential for the future of coffee.

Click here to watch part 1 of our interview with Don Gonzalo Castillo.


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