What We Do

La Finca Distribution Corp. is an import/export company based in North Vancouver, Canada, which specializes in traceable and transparent Nicaraguan direct trade specialty coffee. This company has made a significant impact at coffee origin by providing small farmers with the necessary resources to showcase their best cup outside of their crowded, industry-driven domestic market. With a team of professionals, including Q-graders, on the ground in Nicaragua, we can source any cup profile for you based on your specific requirements, such as varietal, process, points, and flavor profile. Additionally, we can provide you with a full detailed report on the coffees you are seeking for the upcoming harvest.
Our platforms serve as spaces to learn and share knowledge about every job within the coffee supply chain. Oftentimes, many jobs are forgotten, including those of pickers, patieros, and cuppers. Without attention to detail within these roles, we cannot achieve high-quality specialty coffee. Empowering the youth within the industry is a critical catalyst in advancing the coffee culture. Currently, Nicaragua is facing several crises, including a picker's crisis, a funding crisis, and a market crisis. The market price is lower than the cost of production, and many young coffee producers and children of producers are becoming discouraged about the sustainability of their industry, with some shifting their attention to higher-paying jobs in the city. By acknowledging their hard work and empowering them within their community, we hope to ignite a flame that will last for generations of family legacy.
Mission: Facilitate a shift in the import and export of coffee from small producers at origin by equipping them with the necessary logistical tools to build direct relationships with coffee roasters. By doing so, we strive to promote greater understanding and collaboration between these two groups, and ultimately create a more sustainable and equitable coffee industry for all stakeholders involved.
Vision: To become a prominent regional company in the coffee trading industry, expanding our market share both nationally and internationally, and establishing ourselves as a distinguished and respected global entity. Concurrently, we strive to create job opportunities and support small producers, thereby contributing to the development of the origin country.
Transparency and Traceability
We place a high value on transparency and traceability, embodying the virtues of honesty, trust, integrity, and accountability in all aspects of our operations.
Quality and Sustainability
Quality and sustainability are equally essential to us. We are committed to delivering excellent service to our customers, fostering a culture of teamwork and consistency, and instilling confidence in the quality of our products. Moreover, we prioritize economic, environmental, and social sustainability as part of our ongoing efforts to maintain a responsible and ethical business.
Continuous Learning and Education
At our core, we believe in continuous learning and education. We strive for constant improvement and innovation, nurturing passionate leaders and encouraging ownership among our team members. By doing so, we aim to remain at the forefront of our industry, both in terms of our products and our approach to business.
View our tranceable, transparent and ethically sourced green coffee offerings.